Commentaires sur : 3 good reasons for advocating food traceability Eating well made easy Tue, 06 Jul 2021 15:58:13 +0000 hourly 1 Par : Cinzia Thu, 04 Feb 2010 13:24:22 +0000 En réponse à Susan.

Hi Susan.

Thanks for your message. The more the reason to follow our menus and cook from scratch with fresh ingredients, so that you know what your child is eating. To find recipes that are safe for your child, you may use our Advance Recipe Search.

Par : Susan Thu, 04 Feb 2010 11:29:09 +0000 Thank you so much for this information!
I have a child with severe food allergies and am often told by companies that they cannot confirm the safety of a food as they can not vouche for the allergen control measures of their ingredient suppliers. I have even heard this from pharmacists!
It would be great if I was able to go up the chain to ensure that a food or necessary medicine would not harm my child. You cannot imagine the feeling of rushing to the hospital with a life threatening reaction due to the lunch you served. I can 🙁
