In the last two articles, we covered Peanuts, Wheat, Milk, Mustard, Eggs, and Soy. This week, we’ll look at nuts, fish and seafood, and sesame.
We refer to many seeds, fruit, and legumes as nuts, but botanically speaking, a true nut is a fruit with a shell and a seed. However, nut allergies aren’t exactly much for classification. Those with nut allergies are often allergic to multiple nuts, whether or not they’re in the same family. Of course, this could be due to the fact that most nuts are processed in large facilities with other fruit and nuts including peanuts, which leads to massive cross contamination.
How to Avoid Them:
Fortunately, unlike some other items on this list, nuts don’t generally have any strange or confusing names and are clearly labelled in food products. Unfortunately, those with nut allergies are at high risk of cross contamination and should be wary of products that are packaged in facilities that also process nuts. As well, peanut-free facilities might not be nut free — it’s important to know that peanuts and nuts are NOT the same and being allergic to one doesn’t ensure an allergy to the other, though they do often happen together. There’s always a chance that processed food has come into contact with some nut in one form or another. Wash all produce thoroughly and be wary of breakfast cereals.
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