Here is another combination of fruits and lettuces for an interesting contrast of tastes and textures: The slightly bitter taste of endive and radicchio contrasts pleasantly with the sweetness of the pear and the sweet pungency of the cambozola.
Boston lettuce is found all year round, because in winter it is grown in greenhouses using hydroponic technology. It is the best lettuce to replace bread as a low-carb alternative to burgers, wraps, hot dogs, bundles and wraps.
Watercress belongs to the cruciferous family (like cauliflower, cabbage and kale). It has a peppery, slightly spicy taste that is delicious in salads. It is available all year round, thanks to greenhouses. It is a champion of vitamin K and is recognized for its antioxidant power.
A simple salad, well presented, is always welcome.
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