I discovered SOSCuisine.com several years ago. The idea that someone could take care of planning my meals for the week delighted me! I tried out several meal plans over the years: cook for one, semi-vegetarian….
Then, in February 2013, I found out that I was pregnant. I quickly switched over to the pregnancy meal plan. I knew that by following this menu, I would get the required amount of calcium, iron and other nutrients that my baby and I needed. The meal plans are designed this way.
Lea was born on October 4, in great shape. Now, I have started on the breastfeeding meal plan! To be continued!
Valérie V.
Subscribed to Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Meal Plans
From the weight loss to pregnancy and breastfeeding menus; I have done them all! My experience with SOS Cuisine menus started a few months before my wedding. My husband and I wanted to look good on our wedding day so we tried the weight loss menu.
Despite my initial scepticism in a few months my clothes started fitting better and then they were too big for me. Wow, what a moment! Another benefit was the pride we felt after making a dish to see that it turned out good with not much effort. We also started to eat so much more variety of food, making us feeling healthier and satisfied and we noticed that our grocery bill was also cheaper.
We kept following the weight loss menu until I got pregnant, when I decided to switch to the pregnancy menu. A great feature of this menu is that it is divided in 3 trimesters in a way to meet the changing necessity of pregnancy. Overall the menu went really well and I didn’t gain too much weight, keeping my baby and me healthy.
Obviously as soon as the baby came I switched to the breastfeeding menu, specifically designed to meet the needs of breastfeeding moms. This menu helped me get rid of that extra few kilos that remained from pregnancy in no time and it was effortless. Read more.
Sara L. (Montreal, QC, Canada)
Subscribed to the Meal Plans for Weight Loss, Pregnancy and Breastfeedings
A quick note to say thank you. I’ve been subscribed to your meal plans for about 3 years. At the time, I was suffering from anemia and was very much under my healthy weight. I did not have a balanced diet, I lacked an appetite, and could not gain weight. I was discouraged because my goal was to have a baby, but first I wanted to regain my health …
As soon as I started to follow your menus, I got a taste for them. It is from this point that little by little my appetite returned and I started gaining weight.
When I got pregnant, I followed the pregnancy menu and was in great shape for 9 months. My baby is in good health, and they congratulated me on having excellent blood iron levels for a woman who had just given birth. Incredible! I am absolutely certain that your balanced menus are worthwhile. A huge thank you again.
Marie-Eve R. (Laurentians, QC , Canada)
Subscribed to Heart Healthy, Healthy with Pleasure, Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Meal Plans
I’d like to compliment you for doing great work. My girlfriend is pregnant with our third child. Unfortunately, she suffered from gestational diabetes for the second one. She’s suffering from it again for our youngest now, but thanks to your website and its very elaborate lists, she’s managed to maintain healthy blood sugar levels and her blood pressure has stabilized.
A big thanks. Your website is about more than just grocery lists and recipes. It’s also about learning to eat well while enjoying yourself. Your menus are a hit!
Congratulations and thanks for constantly doing your best to keep the website updated.
Mathieu B. (Shawinigan, QC, Canada)
Subscribed to Pregnancy Meal Plan
I have been following your menus for the last 6 months and am very satisfied. I found you thanks to my gynecologist, who suggested your menus to help me loose the extra pounds accumulated since menopause.
Before, we used to eat out frequently, but not anymore. On Saturday I print my grocery list and do my errands in no time. Sunday is cooking day. So my week is all organized and ready. The recipes are good and easy to make and I have lost 10 lbs without even noticing. Kudos to SOSCuisine.
Linda B. (Boucherville, QC, Canada)
Subscribed to Menopause Meal Plans (2 person household)